Sunday, August 07, 2005

sunday training

my cough is getting better i guess?haah.Yah..sha laopo still can say my voice now veh nice..she hopes that it remained like this!gosH -_-" haah.Today training quite alright lah,i got abit the bored around 4+..ahahha..maybe cos i didnt get to play with the guys' lines..actually i'm ok with both lah..but need some excitment in the balls are faster and all that..then today wileen funny ah..asked me go to osb owls cos she likes to play with me as a line..hahaha..hMmz..happy to hear that but i dont tik i can lah..amir just explained to us after training today that in each team there will be a main keeper and i think he's trying to tell me that i will always stay in Youth.yah..i dont mind one lah..anything..Youth ppl also not so bad lah..hahah..not so stressful..i like to see my players having fun and communicate more on court.Dont always complain and complain and complain.hahaha.Yeah..SOMEONE threw my headband onto the roof top today..i wonder who ah..-_-" lunckily i managed to get it back..if not can cry ah!hahaha.Yah..this one must complained on blog!!Unavoidable!!haha..and...that SOMEONE...PLEASE go and cut your fingernails..hahaha..must be short short like mine k!hohOhO..
Yeah..during today's training..i realised that i didnt improved on my weakness..there are some shots that i really cant blocked..i dunno why also..some shots are predictable and some are normally i just look at the blades of the shooter..sorry wanie i didnt know that u were faking me today while taking that shot!haha.It didnt went in lah.hahah.i think she has been aiming to score against me whenever there's training -_- try harder k!Today she scored 1 goal against me out of 4 or 5 attempts!ehhe.Try harder woman!Yeah..gave some pointers to some of the players today..
  1. Wanie to go for direct shots...
  2. Yana to try to take more shots and i'm glad she did tried =) her shots are powerful enough to be taken from half court encourage her loh.
  3. Dawn to look at where the the ball is when running to counter attack.

Yeah..Rene is still taking shots too near the keeper but can see she's trying to take shots from alittle bit further from keeper lah.haha.And yes..she tried to take more shots now which is good!Keep up the good work!But huh...sometimes she passed too much le...then she always "invite"the defender to come and "fight" for the ball with her -_-" forgot to tell her lah.hahha.i noticed it happened quite a number of times le*shake head* cannot ah..rene.hahaha.the boards cant protect u from the defenders one k?haha.Yeah..then reena didnt really stepped out to block the shots of hui hui's shots which i blocked made my palm veh itchy.hahah.ok out of point i know =p Yeah we had 5 keepers today so didnt played much..sian sian sian!hahah.i like to make myself tired lah!hahhah.bian tai rite?hahaha..yah lah...

I read from mel's blog that to her..floorball is a kind of social life..i cant help it but to wonder what's floorball to me now?i treat it as a motivation to exercise and to keep fit..but all i do is row here and row there leh..hahaha..makes me wonder if i really did exercise not? =? ahha.But if that's the case..why do i want to commit in it?I have been playing floorball for almost 2 years i tik?but definately lesser than the period of time i played basketball.I think i played basketball for more than 5 years...i had more fun when i was in OI basketball team lah.ahhaha.Yeah..those were the days..well...under mr amir's control, Floorball Skools is like an organisation with different outlets(teams) and mr amir is the manager?hahahha.funny lah.But it's not easy for him to come to this stage as in what the clubs are today..he really put in alot of effort and time in this organisation of his..i can see that he loves floorball alot.haha.Yah..maybe that's one of the reason why i want to stay in this's kinda oraganised and we can see different goals being set by amir for the respective teams.Each team has different goals.For the osb owls is to obtain the championship for the league and for give opportunity to people who likes floorball to play the sport.If you asked me, of course i will say that being in Youth is more meaningful.Might seem to be tiring to see changes of players here and there on the surface but i guess there's more to it than just changes.The changes will continue until OSB has 3 fixed lines of the better players and Youth have its own 3 fixed lines as well..and when this really happens...there might be a possibility of a 3rd girls team coming up...cOOl huh?But i guess it will take some more years to obtain this outcome.aha.k lah..shall stop here for now..gonna eat some ice cream and drink vsop!hahaha.take care people! =D not much orh chieh today!yeah!haha..

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