On these 2 days,me and some of the towner teachers were helping out at Sparkc Camp at east coast park there.It's something like an ourward bound camp but this time round it's for younger children.We played games and slept in small huts with one another.We were divided into 3 different groups - Love, Hope and Best Friend.I was in the Best Friend team with zann,han ching,suj,grace,mrs sing and thiru as the team leader.We had 10 children in our hands.hahah.Yeah..had fun with them.
On the first day of the camp we did some tunnel/maze activity.We were to go through different stages of maze in the big containers that connect to one another which makes them seem like a tunnel.In it,we all need to crawl,climb,jump,walked through logs in the dark.It was kinda challenging for us teachers cos there are some part when we really need to calm the children down and enourage or motivate them to move on in the dark..to make them use their sensory touch - to feel,to hear and not to panick in the dark.
Then we did some rock climbing as well.hahaha.Yeah.Of cos we the teachers get to do it too.I did it twice on 2 diff surfaces.Wah..the first one huh...i tried 3 times but still cant make it to the top - only managed to make it to like 3 quarter of it.haha.Not only me ah..the rest of the teachers also cant make it.hahaha.Then in the end we get to know that that was the hardest surface among all -_-" Then after that i tried the other surface of the "rock".hahah.It was much easier but i also cant make it to the top.ahhaha.But i was almost there lah.Then after that my arms were like so pain!I used to much of the arm power i guess.Yeah..not bad for doing rock climbing for the first time huh?hahah.Then we were to wear helmet and some harness.Tik we look more like construction workers.hahahah!
Had some treasure hunt thing in the late evening.The children were like playing a fool with their touch lights.hahah.Our team got last cos we couldnt find the living spider =p Then after that we went out of the camp site along the east coast beach for some night walk.Sang songs while walking and saw alot of family bbq-ing there.hahaha.smell nice lah the food*sluRp*
After supper we were to settle down the children first - put them to bed etc..then we go bathe.hahah.Wah...me,senior,mei leng and han ching went to bathe at the same time.Senior doesnt wanna go to the toilet nearer to the hut cos she heard stories about it.ahha.so she scared*shivers*The toilet bathroom is like so short so if tall ppl like nicky bathe in it i think she can see everyone's naked body!hahah.Senior also tall lah but not so bad lah..nicky taller!ahha.Then it's the cannot lock kind so i was like telling myself i dont wanna bathe next to mei leng cos she so pervert one!-_- but in the end i have no choice cos i went to toilet first so i was the last to choose the bathroom!!wah!!!so scary can..then i fast fast bathe!hahah.Then true enough..she poped her head out to my bathroom in the end!Lucky i wore my clothes le!bOOhOo!scary sia.hahaha.Yeah..then after bath we were to hang out at the lounge cos there's air con there.ahhaha.Zac and jason joined us for awhile.me and senior heard some noises outside!*shivers!Yeah..had fun taking pictures with my hp.ahha.Hanged around there till 2+ then we go back to our respective hut to sleep.
*At the lounge - sleepy people
Woke up at around 6:30am.Did some morning stretching and games with the instructors.Tried abseiling...i did some rock climbing again cos i intend to do abseiling later.But who knows in the end..me and sadi didnt get to do cos it started to rain =( so sad!haiX!but wad to do..next time got chance then do loh =( Then after i came down from the rock then the instructor teached me to use more of my leg muscles rather than my arm muscles.he should have told me earlier! -_-
ahha.whatever lah.
Then after everything..me,mei leng,zann,han ching,nicky and grace went to tam swensens to eat ice cream.We were laughing throughout the whole meal lah.Full of craps lah we all..but most of us were like half dead le cos not enough sleep.ahahha.
In all..the camp was a wonderful experience!In this camp,i get to interact more with the teachers and students no matter what session they are in - some i didnt see them before one.ahahha.Yeah..cOOl~! =)
[Tues] - Family day
I called this a family day cos i spent my time with my family for this day only.ahahha.Lame i know.I kept max accompanied - took him down for a walk,played with him and bathe him.Then after that i met mum and dad for dinner.I treated them fishmeat steamboat.The stall that we always go wasnt open so we went to the not-so-nice stall.We waited damn long for the food to come.Was rathered irritated.so conclusion?Next time dont go there eat le.hahaha.
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